Eye Movement Integration: A Specialty Treatment for PTSD and Phobia
by Pam Cambardella, LCSW-C
Eye movement integration (EMI) was developed in 1989 by Steve and Connirae Anreas, PhD. It is an intervention designed to reduce anxiety associated with phobia, PTSD and other situations which provoke high anxiety. During EMI, the therapist directs the client to move his/her eyes in patterned ways while at the same time the client holds an image of the stressful situation in mind. This is done while the client is in a state of calm, safety and security. This allows the client to alter the way information is processed, such that the client changes the way s/he sees, thinks about and ultimately feels about the formerly anxiety-producing event. The memory becomes one that is positive and enriching to the formerly anxious individual. EMI is fast and effective, usually requiring no more than three to six sessions.
Pam Cambardella was trained at the American Hypnosis Training Academy and has been practicing EMI since 1993.
June is PTSD Awareness Month. Please check out our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/chesterriverbehavioral for other resources on treating and managing PTSD.