Chester River Behavioral

Health and Wellness

EST. 1997

How do I schedule a first appointment?
Simply call our office. A staff member will get basic information and schedule the appointment for you. You will be given instructions to print the new client forms from this website. The only personal question you will be asked is what issue you are seeking treatment for. Just give a one word answer, such as depression, anxiety, grief, couples counseling, etc. No personal details, please. Or you can just answer, "Personal."
Will insurance cover my visits?
The mental health/substance abuse benefits vary greatly among insurance companies. For every client, our staff calls the insurance company to get all the details. If you like, ask us to do that before you schedule.
How much will sessions cost me?
Insurance companies determine how much you pay at the window. Payments have a huge range depending upon your plans copay (set amount), coinsurance (a percentage of an amount your insurance company determines) and deductibles (insurance pays nothing until you have paid out of your pocket a set amount). We will call your insurance company before your first visit to determine your cost.
How will I know which therapist is right for me?
You may wish to review our providers bios and philosophy of care before selecting a therapist. This information is available to you under the clinicians page of this website. If you do not have a specific choice, we match three pieces of information to assign you to the most appropriate clinician.
  • Insurance--we make sure your therapist is on your insurance panel
  • Presenting Problem--we match you with a therapist that specializes in your issue, such as grief, couples counseling, drug and alcohol treatment, ADHD, children and teenagers, geriatric, etc.
  • Availability--we match you with a therapist who can see you the quickest and has a schedule that suits you.
You always have the option of switching therapists. Please let us know if you feel the therapist assigned to your care does not feel like a "good fit." Reassignments are easily done, just let us know.
What documents do I need to bring with me for my first visit?
Bring your driver's license and insurance card. If you have additional documents such as medication lists, custody agreements, doctor's notes, court orders, etc., please bring them as well.
Do I need to be pre-authorized by my insurance company before I begin treatment?
We will find that out by calling your insurance company. If you need a pre-authorization, we will get it for you so you don't have to.
How long will I be in treatment?
The number of sessions varies with every client. A treatment plan will be developed by the therapist and shared with you. If you are a new client, plan on weekly sessions. As you progress, your sessions may be spread out to every other week or monthly until you are discharged.
How do you protect my privacy?
Confidentiality is our highest priority and is protected within the limits of the law. We will not disclose any information about you to anyone, including your doctor, without your written permission (exclusions include emergencies such as, suicide, homicide, or abuse). We will not speak with family members or even acknowledge that you are seen at our office. If we should see you outside the office in the community, we will not speak to you about or make any reference to the clinical business that is yours at CRBH.

Unlike a typical medical office, there are two separate files for you. One is the billing file for Front Office use containing insurance information and billing information. The other is your highly confidential clinical file where Progress Notes are kept by your therapist. Clinical files are accessible only by your therapist.
Will my primary doctor be notified that I am in therapy?
Your Primary Care Physician is notified of your first appointment and the therapist assigned only if your doctor referred you. After that, you must give your therapist permission by signing a written release of information for any other information to be shared with your Primary.
Why do I have to pay at the window each visit instead of being billed?
Just as you have agreed in the terms of your insurance policy that you will pay "at time of service", we are also under contract with them to collect the amount due at each visit.
Why is there a charge for missed appointments?
Unlike a regular medical office where the next patient is ready to be taken back, an entire hour is reserved for you by your therapist. When you fail to show up for your appointment, the therapist does not have time to call another client from their waiting list.
Will I receive reminder calls for my scheduled appointments?
We offer email reminders. That said, it is still your responsibility to make certain you know and keep your appointments.
Can I bring my child with me?
Children 10 years of age and younger cannot be left unattended in the waiting room. Our Administrative staff is not able to attend to their needs or well-being. Talk with your therapist about the issues related to children in therapy appointments not intended for them.
What if I don't have insurance or do not wish to use my insurance?
If you do not have insurance or wish not to use your insurance, we will talk with you about the cost of services for clients paying "out-of-pocket".